
Thank you for your interest in carrying our products! We offer a wholesale discount to brick and mortar retailers with low minimums in each product category. Please create an account and submit a wholesale application to gain access to our wholesale section. Unfortunately we are unable to entertain requests for private labeling, eBay or eBay-style marketplace resale, or consignment at this time, but welcome you to add our stock to your store's dedicated website. Our minimums for wholesale can be found via the link below once access is granted to your account. Exclusivity in your area is available depending on the range you plan to display and the population density and diameter of the area you'd like to exclusively service. We of course avoid stocking any of our products next door to each other, but for exclusivity within a large town or dense neighborhood, you'll need to be able to represent the majority of what our brand offers in both products and scent options, and maintain this representation to maintain exclusivity. Our buyers are always asking to be directed to shops where they can "smell all the things", and you can imagine their disappointment if they arrive at the only shop within driving distance to find a box of Unicorn Farts, right? I mean, as disappointed as one can be in relation to unicorns, that is.